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Biogas Treatment (H2S)

The biogas that is obtained through the anaerobic process consists of 50 to 70% of methane and around 30 to 40% of carbon dioxide.

The methane gives high energetic value to biogas, however, its use to produce electrical energy is conditioned by the presence of contaminants like H2S and siloxanes, that lead to high maintenance costs, as well as interruptions in the operation of the engine.

Many of the technical problems are best understood when we look closely at the different contaminants present in the biogas. Generally, the contaminants can be grouped in this way:

  • Hydrogen Sulhpide (H2S);
  • Siloxanes;
  • Corrosive acids;
  • Halogenated compounds.

These contaminants can cause several problems, which can be harmful to health and / or damage energy production equipment, among others.

It is therefore very important that biogas is treated in advance so that the life of the equipment can be extended.


SULFIRON is a powder desulphurizer based on iron. This compound aims to remove H2S, being a highly active and economical reagent that replaces the ferric chloride.

H2S is a gas that arises during the anaerobic digestion process and is very corrosive to most equipment, such as boilers, power generation equipment and piping. In addition to the corrosive effects, this gas smells like rotten eggs, is harmful to health and can be lethal even at reduced concentrations.

SULFIRON makes it possible to remove this contaminant more safely than ferric chloride because the reaction of our desulphurizer with H2S does not form HCl, unlike what happens in the reaction with ferric chloride. HCl is also an extremely corrosive component that can damage your equipment and piping.

The use of SULFIRON does not require initial investment, being a powder this product can be applied directly inside the anaerobic reactor to eliminate the high concentrations of H2S.


  • Removes H2S;
  • Improves biogas quality;
  • Avoids corrosion of equipment, increasing lifespan;
  • Decreases the characteristic smell of H2S (rotten eggs);
  • Eliminates the risk of inhalation of H2S by the population;
  • Easy application;.


See our catalogue: SULFIRON

See our case studies: Sulfiron in WWTP & Sulfiron in livestock










If you want to receive more information or a quotation, do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


See also our solution for the removal of Siloxanes.